Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Toughing it out - and peace

This last week was a week of no riding.  I had to go to a conference in Winnipeg, and when it was done I headed out with some associates for a fishing trip.  It meant late nights and early mornings.  I was exhausted by the time we headed out to Lake of the Woods to fish.

The cabin we were staying at was not big, and was on an island.  That meant no electricity, and it was far enough way that it also meant I had no cell coverage or internet.  Peace.  Totally unplugged.  I highly recommend doing it!  I went to bed when it got dark (after a chat with my associates in the glow of candlelight) and got up when the sun came up.  The outhouse was an experience all to itself.  No light or windows, so it was pitch dark with door closed - so you left it open and had a view out to the water.  It was truly a beautiful way to start the morning!!  Here's a picture of our cabin.  I wish I had a shot of it from the water.  We ate dinner on the deck, had an amazing fish fry over an open fire (from where I was standing when I took this) and fished, and fished.  Lots of action with Walleye and Jack (northern pike) fish.

Then I came home.  After a busy day at the office today I headed out for a ride.  I had a headwind, and was feeling really sluggish.  I toughed it out, got it done.  It was not a great ride, but it was great to ride.  I'm tired, but I know I got a ride in and that it's working towards getting into shape.

Tomorrow will be a long day of driving as I'll be heading up by Camrose to visit a client.  Sure makes for a long day, but it's one of my favourite clients so that makes it all worth it.

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