Monday, October 31, 2011

New Beginnings

Saturday turned into a wonderful day for me. All in just an hour. John and I did a quick trip from Cardston to Magrath on our bikes - took just over an hour (I think about 1:08?) I was once again saddened, but not surprised, to see how terrible I was on a bike. But, we talked about some future plans, and I've decided to get there. The plan is in January to do a week down in Phoenix/Tucson just riding. It's been a few years since I've done that, and it sounds really exciting to me. I'll need to have dropped some serious weight by then, but I know I can do it. So I started in ernest yesterday. STRICTNESS is my moto for the next month. Give myself a good fighting chance! Then I'll start to allow myself the OCCASSIONAL treat - meaning something once a week. I've been amazed at how easy it became to justify a slip. "I'm doing something with my son, and so we should have an icecream together" or "I worked hard and need a break"... the excuses go on and on. This morning I jumped out of bed (okay, maybe "jump" isn't the right word - more like crawled) at 5:30am. Should've gone for the run then, as a little later it had started snowing and was just plain miserable. I ended up finding a reason not to go (there were lots) - and so tonight I'll set-up my trainer in the basement so that I always have a fall-back.